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Hellraizer - Disclosure of Cosmogony : Dawn to the Ruination 2014

Hellraizer - Disclosure of Cosmogony : Dawn to the Ruination
WAAR Productions CD 2014

01 Flame Part I: Elegy of Synthesis        
02 Omong Kosong        
03 Perception Paragraph        
04 When the World Was Torn Apart        
05 Asumsi Tak Bernyawa        
06 Etimologi Hantam Simbolisasi        
07 Flame Part II: End of Declaration        
08 Game Over (Ruination)        
09 Transcendent Transformation        
10 Trilateral Cosmogony

Terus Terang masih belum hilang Interest Gw dengan Materi Album pertama mereka " Transcendent Transformation " yang Fantastis dalam perkembangan pesat Death Metal Scene Tanah Air yang Mereka torehkan dengan Masterpiece Karya hebat ini, Gerombolan Talented dari Kota Nganjuk Pimpinan Bung Rizkygrind Cs ini sudah kembali Memuntahkan kembali Masterpiece matang ke-2 mereka yang lebih fantastis sejak Gw mendengarkan single " Omong Kosong " yang mereka posting sebelumnya semakin menawarkan komposisi Modern Death Metal yang Brutal dan Kompleks dengan Lick2 mencengangkan ! Tak terbayang sih jika Bandung yang selama ini menjadi Barometer Musik Metal Scene Indonesia, harus perlahan terkikis dengan Scene2 Daerah Kecil seperti Nganjuk ini, Well Hellraizer Adalah Pilihan yang Tidak Mengecewakan Buat kalian pecinta Part2 Dinamis dan Kontradiktif dengan Talenta2 berbahaya Member band. Critics praised their dense sound that involved lots of complex riffing and creative drum patterns and the energetic vocal patterns and Don't Forget, There solos are absolutely incredible and feature a good mixture of techniques including sweeping and the incredibly fast shredding line with as much conviction as could be asked for throwing forth lines of pure evil with savage and evil-sounding tones. memang sebelumnya ada banyak Band Discene kita memainkan Konsep Death Metal dinamis seperti ini, namun berbeda banget dengan Hellraizer yang lebih Straight From Old to New School Death Metal sekali Karakter dasar musikalnya jika kalian pahami setiap komposisi yang Hellraizer tawarkan, Begitu Menendang dan Bikin Ciut Paradigma tentang Dinamika yang Gw maksud diatas. Lama menunggu penasaran dengan Materi ke-2 ini akhirnya terjawab dengan mendengar sendiri debutan Profesional Package pertama mereka via Waar Production yang mengemasnya dalam sebuah Eksklusif Format, Full Colour Booklet dan Produksi yang Profesional jauh sekali dengan Album pertama mereka " Transcendent Transformation " yang menurut gw kurang mendapat Publikasi yang Tinggi karena " Salah " Roster menjadi kenyataan bagi mereka, Klise. Memang ada banyak Kejutan untuk Materi kali ini yang disuguhkan dalam sebuah Sekuel Kekejaman Baru " Disclosure of Cosmogony : Dawn to the Ruination ", seperti sebuah Fase perjalanan Panjang, Sebuah Dogma hitam harus tercerai berai dengan Paradigma Kontradiksi Dekade telah mengalami banyak Fase berkembang, Kualitas bermusik pun harus menjadi salah satu Object penderita yang otomatis mengalami dinamika-nya pula. disetiap Jengkal Komposisi Bermusik Hellraizer kali ini memang membentuk sebuah argumen baru adanya Reformatif karakter style band sejak materi " Transcendent Transformation " menjadi sebuah Refleksi baru Hellraizer menancapkan tajam taring bengis mereka. " Flame Part I: Elegy of Synthesis " adalah Filosofi Musikal Band bertemu dengan Dogmatis Hidup yang digambarkan dalam sebuah Tarian Cantik Solo Guitar The Beginning yang terasa mengalir dalam pembuluh arteri darah kita di pertemuan awal sebelum merasakan Sajian Utama berikutnya " Omong Kosong ", Hellraizer seperti sedang merasa Enerjik memamerkan Komposisi Luar biasa Straight New School Death Metal Modern-nya mengingatkan Gw dengan Konsep yang dipopulerkan oleh pendahulunya, Monstrosity era " Millenium " bertemu Konflik dengan Gaya Arkaik hingga Decrepit Birth. the former being my singular favorite song from this band, an accelerated storm of quality tech death riffs intent on leaving the remainder of the death metal universe in the dust. Despite this impulse, the track is surprisingly varied, slowing to mid-pace for a few concrete crushers, like wading through a violent storm to finally find the eye. " Perception Paragraph " berikutnya masih seperti mendobrak batasan yang ada tentang Aturan " Kaku " Komposisi Death Metal tak lepas dari Lingkaran kuatnya, coz ini adalah Sebuah Komposisi yang lebih berani dan Matang pertemuan Ego dan Skill antar Musisinya. Dan Konsentrasi Gw kayaknya masih harus tertahan dengan Crushing Riffing Rizkygrind yang banyak menawarkan Partitur Bar Lick Riff matang dari sebelumnya, Goodjob Rizky !! Bak Perputaran Mesin sudah memasuki Fase Panas-nya, " When the World Was Torn Apart " seperti menyerang tanpa kendali masih dengan teknik2 bermain mengagumkannya. essential when so much is happening, even if is not a lot of charisma to the mix. Materi Album ini cukup menghapus Skeptis Asumsi Gw tentang Kebanyakan Band Death Metal Scene Tanah Air yang Ngakunya " Teknikal " namun pada kenyataan harus berbalik Persepsi yang mengakitkan Terjerembab-nya mereka dalam sebuah Istilah saja, sehingga mungkin saran Gw akan lebih Afdol jika lebih bijak menggunakan Konsep Bermusik Death Metal menurut Makna Harfiahnya, Soal imej Belakangan, yang paling penting adalah Kualitas dan bukan Kuantitas ! kemudian " Asumsi Tak Bernyawa " mulai lebih Nakal dengan memberikan banyak sentuhan Old School Death Metal Dinamis dibeberapa Shred Riffing-nya. the way Reflections Within Dissonance is executed with such aggression really makes its appeal much more lasting. dan Gw begitu menikmati setiap Progres musik yang ditawarkan dengan mencerna Dalam Komposisinya, tetap Amazing komentar Gw. begitu juga dengan " Etimologi Hantam Simbolisasi " terasa menjadi Urutan tepat berikutnya bak seperti sedang menyimpulkan Benang merah sejak Track pertama. both offer a superior experience, running the gamut from juggernaut grooves to flippant finger exercises they compose in that same labyrinthine temperament which does not believe in giving the listener a break, simply imploding them with confusion and letting the maggots sort out the rest. Lalu pada Bagian Ke-2 " Flame Part II: End of Declaration ", Nuansa yang lebih " Horror " begitu terasa didengungkan sebagai Akhir Hidup dalam sebuah Deklarasi-nya, Sentuhan String Keyboard dari Drummer Faher melengkapi kemudian Sebuah Morfologi ini menjadi semakin Hidup dengan Kondisinya, Great Instrumental Dudes ! " Game Over (Ruination) " lalu Menghajar kembali dengan Hentakan yang terus membabi buta, dan kali ini Antok dari Gagal Ginjal Turut membantu Eksekusi Vokalis Tino yang masih berlumuran Darah Emosional-nya. Karena masih begitu menikmati Feel Track awal Band, akhirnya " Transcendent Transformation " coba di Mainkan kembali dengan sentuhan yang lebih Radikal dan Serius !! complete with tiny surgical death melodies and effective if average, blunt weapon grunts. I like the lead breakout, but this is not one of the stronger tracks on the whole. dan sayang belum begitu menikmati sajian lengkapnya, Setlist Track harus disudahi dengan " Trilateral Cosmogony ", adalah sebuah Morfologi akhir perjalanan Dogma Imaji mereka menggambarkan sisi kehidupan ini dalam Sudut pandang tersendiri. Disini Gw tidak melebih lebihkan apa yang Gw rasa dan Dengerkan, Semuanya masih seperti biasa mengalir apa adanya dalam Kata Hati gw yang terdalam (cieeeee !!! ed), Kalo Gw Bilang Bagus Ya Bagus begitu pula sebaliknya tanpa ada Unsur " X " nya, karena bagi gw itu bisa melukai kenyataan yang ada dalam Etika Jurnalistik. Kayaknya kalian Ga perlu berpikir panjang untuk segera membeli Album Berkualitas ini, Masalah Kuantitas, Hellraizer masih belum dapat disejajarkan dengan nama2 yang familiar mendoktrin Isi Kepala kalian, tapi Masalah Kualitas, Hellraizer memiliki semuanya, INDONESIAN DEATH METAL SCENE MAKIN BERBAHAYA !!!! so Get It Now and Keep On Blazing !!!

Keep on the Light still has not gone to the Material Interest Gw their first album " Transformation Transcendent " the Fantastic in the Death Metal Scene rapid development of the country that they torehkan work with this great masterpiece , Hordes of the City Nganjuk Talented Leader Cs Rizkygrind this dude is back Spewing back Masterpiece 2nd they mature more fantastic since Gw listen to the single " Nonsense " before they post more offers modern composition and brutal Death Metal Complexes with Lick2 astounding ! I can not imagine the hell if Bandung which has been the barometer Metal Music Scene Indonesia , to be slowly eroded by Scene2 Small Areas like this Nganjuk , Well Hellraizer Is Not Disappointing choice For you lovers Part2 Dynamic and Contradictory with dangerous Talenta2 Members bands . Critics praised INVOLVED their dense sound that lots of complex riffing and creative drum patterns and the energetic vocal patterns and Do not Forget , There are absolutely incredible solos and feature a good mixture of techniques Including the incredibly fast sweeping and shredding line with as much conviction as could be asked for throwing forth lines of pure evil with savage and evil- sounding tones . The band was previously there are many Discene we play Death Metal dynamic concept like this , but very different from the more Hellraizer Straight From the Old to the New School Character Death Metal once if you understand basic musical composition Hellraizer any offer, So Kicking and shriveled Paradigm Makes about Gw dynamics above purpose . Material curious about the long wait for this 2nd finally answered with his own hearing their first debutant Professional Package via Waar Production is packaged in a format Exclusive , Full Colour Booklet and Production Professionals far away with their first album " Transcendent Transformation " which in my opinion is less Height received the publication as " One " became a reality for their roster , cliche . Indeed there are many surprise for The material is presented in a sequel to New Cruelty " Disclosure of cosmogony : Dawn to the Ruination " , such as a Phase trip length , A black Dogma should disintegrate with Paradigm contradiction Decade has undergone many developing phase , quality music must be one of the people who object to experience the dynamics of its automated anyway . every inch of the musical composition Hellraizer this time was to form a new argument existence Reformative character style band since the material " Transcendent Transformation " became a new reflection Hellraizer their cruel fangs sharp stick . " Flame Part I : Elegy of Synthesis " is the philosophy of Musical Band met with Dogmatic Life depicted in a Beautiful Dance Solo Guitar Beginning tasted blood flow in the arteries of our initial meeting before the next main dish tasted " Nonsense " , such Hellraizer 're feeling energetic compositions exhibiting Excellent Straight New School Death Metal Modern Gw the reminds her concept popularized by his predecessor , Monstrosity era of " Millennium " meet conflict with the archaic style to Decrepit Birth . the former being my singular favorite song from this band , an accelerated storm of quality tech- death riffs intent on leaving the remainder of the death metal dust in the universe . Despite this impulse , the track is surprisingly varied , slowing to a mid - pace for a few concrete crushers , like wading through a violent storm to finally find the eye . " Perception Paragraph " next still like to break the existing boundaries of the Rules " Rigid " Death Metal composition could not be separated from the strong circle , coz this is a composition that is more daring and Mature Ego and Skill meeting between musicians . And Concentration Gw seems still to be stuck with a lot of Crushing riffing Rizkygrind offer Scores Bar Riff Lick mature than before , Goodjob Rizky ! ! Turnover tub machine has entered its Phase Heat , "When the World Was Torn Apart " like attacking without control is still with his impressive play teknik2 . essential when so much is happening , even if is not a lot of charisma to the mix . The album material erase quite skeptical about the assumption Gw Death Metal Band Scene Most country that ngakunya " Technical " but in fact had to turn around perceptions that his fall mengakitkan them in a term only, so it may be more afdol Gw suggestions if more wise use concept Death Metal music by Literally meaning , image Problem Lately , the most important is the quality and not quantity ! then " assumption Not Animate " start over Naughty by giving lots of touches of Old School Death Metal Dynamic in some of his shred riffing . Reflections Within Dissonance way is executed with such aggression makes its really a much more lasting appeal . and Gw so enjoy every progress of music offered by digesting In Composition, remain Amazing Gw comments . as well as " etymology symbolization Smash " feels right into the next sequence was concluded tub like a red thread from the first track . both offer a superior experience , running the gamut from juggernauts grooves to flippant finger exercises they compose in that same temperament labyrinthine roomates does not believe in giving the listener a break , simply imploding them with confusion and letting the maggots sort out the rest . Then in Part - 2 " Flame Part II : End of Declaration " , Feel more " Horror " so was touted as the End of Life in a declaration of his , Touch Keyboard String of Drummer Faher Morphology complements then A is becoming increasingly Living with a condition , Great Instrumental Dudes ! " Game Over ( Ruination ) " and Beat back with the beat that keeps blindly , and this time Antok of Kidney Failure Helps Execution singer Tino is still stained with his blood Emotional . Because it is still early so enjoy Feel Track Band , finally " Transcendent Transformation " try on Play back with a touch of a more radical and Seriously ! ! complete with tiny melodies and effective surgical death if average , blunt weapon grunts . I like the lead breakout , but this is not one of the stronger tracks on the whole . and unfortunately not quite enjoy a dish full , Setlist Track should be ended with " Trilateral cosmogony " , is an end of a dogma Morphology The image they portray this side of life in its own viewpoint . Here Gw does not exceed what Gw exaggerated sense and Dengerkan , Everything is still running as usual it is the deepest Conscience gw ( cieeeee ! ! ! Ed ) , If Gw Say Yes Good Good vice versa without any Element " X " her , due to the fact i could hurt that exists in Journalism Ethics . I think you need to think long Ga to immediately buy the album quality , quantity problem , Hellraizer still can not be equated with a familiar nama2 suggesting Fill your Head , but the quality problems , Hellraizer has it all , INDONESIAN DEATH METAL SCENE MORE DANGEROUS ! ! ! ! so Get It Now and Keep On Blazing ! ! !

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